Burner Management Systems

Many industrial manufacturing processes require boilers or fired heat. This applies to food, metals, polymers and so much more. Wherever you have heat, you have fuel and therefore a safety concern. A burner management system (BMS) can help ensure your burners operate safely, shutting down and purging as needed if there is a flame-out or failed ignition. Industrial heating accidents, too often deadly explosions, are generally caused by human error. While training can mitigate this, a BMS may save lives.

Depending on your location, industry and the type of heating system you use, you may find yourself under the authority of various agencies, often at the same time. Careful reading of their safety guidelines will help you choose the right BMS for your industrial heating application.

You may find yourself subject to any of these

  • NFPA 85, Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code.
  • NFPA 86, Standard for Ovens and Furnaces.
  • NFPA 87, Recommended Practice for Fluid Heaters.
  • FM 7605, Approval Standard for PLC-Based Burner-Management Systems.
  • API-556, Instrumentation, Control and Protective Systems for Fired Heaters and Steam Generators.
  • ISA-TR84.00.05, Guidance on the Identification of Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) in Burner-Management Systems.
Let Thermal Equipment Systems Inc. help you put together the right set of Flame Safeguard Controls and BMS to keep your employees safe and keep you in compliance with your AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction).

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| Industrial Burners
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