Selas Superflame Burner

The Selas Superflame burner is a nozzle mixing gas burner used in high
temperature burner applications above 1200° F. The outer Silicon Carbide tube
and inner Stainless-steel tube product 2 stage combustion which promotes low
NOX emission levels from this burner.
Applications include: Incinerators, Aluminum Melter, and Heat Treat and forging furnaces.
Applications include: Incinerators, Aluminum Melter, and Heat Treat and forging furnaces.
- Sizes from 150,000 to 2,000,000 Btu/Hr. to fit a wide range of high temperature heating applications.
- High excess air capabilities: To promote temperature uniformity with in a given furnace space.
- Choice of Medium or high velocity firing tube. To insure custom fit in each application.
- Flexible burner firing methods: fixed air with gas control only or on ratio air-fuel to fit the customer’s application.
- The Superflame can run on your choice of fuels: Natural gas, Propane or Butane to fit customer’s needs.